Amazon Performance Advertising: Boost Your Product Visibility 2024

Amazon Performance Advertising: Boost Your Product Visibility 2024

26 December, 2023


Last updated on 26 December, 2023

Written by Content Team

A Guide on Amazon Performance Advertising: Boost Your Product Visibility 2024

Discover the power of Amazon Performance Advertising in 2024 & uncover proven strategies to enhance your product visibility, and engage your target audience.


Amazon has been the most sought-after selling platform in not just one but many countries, and ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have switched online from offline marketing. This grew Amazon's customer base worldwide and gave emerging sellers even broader opportunities to sell. From footwear to eatables to electronics to games, Amazon deals in a plethora of products across the world.

But in order to sell your product, the product must be visible to the customers. Product visibility on Amazon is similar to that of an offline marketplace with many shops. A customer will go to that shop that stands out from the rest of the shops, and that is easily accessible to them.

Ways to Increase Product Visibility on Amazon

Sellers need to understand Amazon Search Engine Optimization in order to ensure that their product gets listed at the top of the search results. The ways to increase the product visibility are as follows:

1. Advertising

The quickest way that sellers can ensure that their product attracts customers is by advertising it. They can make use of Sponsored Ads to ensure that their products appear at the top of the search results or the search results of other products. There are headline search ads, product display ads, and sponsored product ads that display the products constantly on the screens of the customers.

2. Customer Reviews

Almost all the customers now buy products with good reviews from other customers. Also, products with good customer ratings appear at the top of the search results. Sellers, thus, need to ensure that their customers put in the good word about how they like the product, how was the after-sales service, how they are going to rate the products on other parameters, and how likely they are to recommend the product to other customers. Sellers need to have an open channel for communication with the existing customers because one satisfied customer brings in 10 new customers.

3. Stock Availability

Sellers need to manage their logistics to ensure that adequate stock is available at all times to cater to the demands of the customers. Customers will be dissuaded from buying your product if it is always out of stock. This will also result in your product being displayed at the bottom of the search results. Sellers should, therefore, maintain a minimum inventory level in order to serve the needs of the customers.

4. Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategy is another very important aspect of increasing product visibility on Amazon. Sellers need to ensure that their products are priced at a cost equal to or lower than their competitors because customers can easily compare the prices stated by different sellers. Lower prices attract more customers, but sellers need to price their products as such to cover their marginal costs.

5. Search Optimization

Customers type in certain keywords while searching for a product. For example, red hair dye. Sellers, thus, need to ensure that their product title is crisp and covers all bases like color, size, brand, material, key features, etc. The title should contain a maximum of 50 characters consisting of relevant keywords. By doing this, the customers can understand the product better, and the relevant keywords ensure that the product appears at the top of the search list.

6. Optimizing the Listing

After attracting the customer with a crisp and relevant title, the seller should optimize his product page because that plays a pivotal role in product visibility.

7. Product Description

The product description should provide detailed information and specifications of your product. It would be a smart choice to include the relevant keywords in the product description.

8. Pointers

Customers generally look into the bullet points listed on the product page to know about the product. These form the highlight of the page and provide all the features of the product at a glance. It is known that product pages with better descriptions and clearer specifications increase conversion rates.

9. Product Images

The most eye-catching detail of the product page images helps the customers to choose while purchasing the product. Appealing and attractive images represent the product better and make the customers more inclined to buy the product.

10. Amazon Prime and Fulfilment by Amazon

Most of the customers have Prime memberships today that ensure better quality products and speedier and free deliveries. Thus, naturally, these customers look to buy Prime products. Sellers need to have a Prime membership to take advantage of bigger sales opportunities. Apart from this, the customers now look for “Fulfilled by Amazon” certifications. Thus, sellers should register for FBA and become Prime sellers to increase their product visibility and chances of sales.


Amazon Performance Advertising is a game-changer for boosting product visibility and maximizing the impact of advertising on sales performance. By leveraging the latest tools and strategies, you can stay ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Take charge of your advertising campaigns, monitor advertising performance metrics, and adapt to evolving trends to ensure sustained success on Amazon. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and achieve unparalleled growth through the dynamic world of performance marketing examples with GoNukkad!

Q. What do you mean by a high-visibility brand?

A. Brand visibility can be defined as the proportion of exposure that a brand has as compared to its competitors.

Q. What do you need to become an FBA seller?

A. Any seller can become an FBA seller. All that he needs is a product, a seller account, and appropriate logistics.

Q. Is Amazon FBA free?

A. No, Amazon FBA is not free. There are different plans, like individual selling and professional selling plans, with varying rates according to the countries you're in.

Q. How does Prime membership work for a seller?

A. Prime membership allows sellers to deliver products directly to customers from their warehouses. The sellers who brand their products as Prime need to fulfill their orders within 1 to 2 days at no additional charge.

Q. How do I ensure I get reviews on my products from Amazon?

A. Sellers can ensure customer reviews on Amazon by selling good quality products, using the “Request a Review” button, through follow-up emails, etc.

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