Meesho Seller Registration 2024: Start Your Online Business Today

Meesho Seller Registration 2024: Start Your Online Business Today

23 August, 2023

Meesho seller registration

Last updated on 24 May, 2024

Written by Content Team

Meesho Seller Registration: Steps to Get Started in 2024

Meesho seller registration has been made easy for 2024! Follow our simple steps to join Meesho and grow your online business effortlessly.


In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, Meesho has emerged as a leading platform for sellers to showcase their products and reach a vast audience. For aspiring entrepreneurs and established businesses alike, Meesho offers a unique blend of accessibility and scalability. If you've ever contemplated diving into online selling or expanding your existing business, understanding the Meesho seller registration process is paramount.

Everything You Need to Know About Meesho Seller Registration

Originating in India, Meesho has rapidly burgeoned into a leading social commerce platform. It empowers individuals and businesses to sell products online without needing a website or significant investment. With its user-centric design, robust seller support, and many features, Meesho has become a magnet for sellers and buyers.

Meesho Seller Registration Process

1. Visit the Meesho Seller Registration Login Page: Begin by navigating to the official Meesho Seller registration login page. This is the gateway to your selling journey on Meesho.

2. Personal and Business Details: The registration form is comprehensive. You must provide the following:

a. Personal Information: Name, contact number, and email address.

b. Business Specifics: Business name, type (sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.), and address.

c. Bank Details: For seamless transactions and to receive payments.

3. Document Verification: To ensure the platform's integrity, Meesho requires sellers to submit certain documents:

a. PAN Card: For individuals or businesses.

b. GST Identification Number (if applicable): Especially if you sell taxable goods.

c. Bank Account Proof: A canceled cheque or bank statement.

4. Training and Onboarding: After verification, Meesho doesn't leave you to figure things out on your own. They provide:

a. Video Tutorials: Covering product listing, order management, and more.

b. Webinars: Live sessions where you can ask questions and get real-time answers.

c. Seller Support: A dedicated team to assist you in your initial days.

5. Set Up Your Store: You can create your online storefront.

a. Product Listings:Add products with high-quality images and detailed descriptions.

b. Pricing: Set competitive prices based on market research and Meesho's suggested pricing.

c. Offers: Periodically offer discounts or deals to attract more customers.

Meesho Seller Account Login

Follow these steps to log in to Meesho Seller Account:

1. Visit the Meesho Supplier website at

2. Enter your registered phone number and password.

3. Click on the "Login" button.

Meesho Supplier Panel

The Meesho Supplier Panel is a dashboard that allows sellers to manage their accounts, products, and orders. It is the nerve center of your online business on the platform. Here's a detailed walkthrough:

Logging In:

1. Navigate to the Meesho seller account login page.

2. Enter your registered email and password. If you've forgotten your password, use the 'Forgot Password option to reset it.

Understanding the Meesho Supplier Panel

1. Upon logging in, you'll be greeted with an overview of your sales metrics, pending orders, returns, and payments.

2. Notifications: Keep an eye on this section for important updates from Meesho, including policy changes, promotional events, and more.

Product Management:

1. Add Product: Use this to list new items. Ensure you provide detailed descriptions and high-quality images.

2. Manage Listings: Update product details and prices, or remove items you no longer wish to sell.

Order and Inventory Management:

1. Track new orders, process them, and update shipping details.

2. Monitor your inventory levels to ensure you never miss a sale due to stock-outs.

Payments and Settlements:

1. View your earnings, pending payments, and transaction history.

2. Update bank details if necessary.

Support and Feedback:

1. Raise tickets for any issues or queries. Meesho's support team is prompt and efficient.

2. Provide feedback or suggestions to improve the platform.

Benefits of Becoming a Meesho Seller

1. Wide Reach: Meesho has millions of users. By listing your products, you tap into this vast customer base, increasing the likelihood of sales.

2. Robust Support: Meesho prides itself on its seller support. Whether you have queries about listings, payments, or returns, their team is always ready to assist

3. Zero Investment: Unlike other platforms that charge a fee for listing or a monthly subscription, Meesho allows you to start your business without any initial investment.

4. Prompt and Secure Payments: Meesho follows a weekly payment cycle. Your payment is processed once an order is successfully delivered and the return period is over. The platform uses secure payment gateways, ensuring your earnings are safe.

5. Training and Growth Opportunities: Meesho provides regular training sessions, helping sellers understand market trends, improve listings, and grow their business. They also have a 'Meesho Learning Academy' with courses tailored for sellers.

6. Logistics Support: Meesho has partnerships with major logistics providers. As a seller, you get access to these partners, ensuring timely and safe delivery of your products.

7. Marketing and Visibility: Meesho invests heavily in marketing. Top-selling products and sellers often get featured in their campaigns, providing them additional visibility and sales.


The digital age has democratized business opportunities, allowing anyone with a vision and drive to carve a niche in the e-commerce landscape. Platforms like Meesho are tools and catalysts, propelling businesses to new heights. As you embark on your Meesho journey, equipped with the knowledge from this guide, remember that success often lies at the intersection of preparation and opportunity. A platform like Gonukkad is always there, offering insights, tools, and opportunities to further your growth. It helps make your products stand out by utilizing best-in-class account management services that optimize your listings and boost product visibility.

Q. How long does the Meesho seller account registration process take?

A. The registration process typically takes 15-20 minutes, provided you have all the necessary information.

Q. Is there a registration fee to become a Meesho seller?

A. No, Meesho does not charge registration fees to become a seller on their platform.

Q. Can I sell products from any category on Meesho?

A. Meesho offers a wide range of product categories. However, it's advisable to research and choose products that align with market trends and customer demand.

Q. What kind of support does Meesho offer to its sellers?

A. Meesho provides dedicated seller support, including training, tips, and assistance with any issues you may encounter.

Q. How can I maximize my sales on Meesho?

A. To maximize sales, focus on offering quality products, competitive pricing, attractive product descriptions, and excellent customer service.

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