Case Study: How Amul Achieved eCommerce Attribution Success

Case Study: How Amul Achieved eCommerce Attribution Success

3 August, 2023

Marketing Attribution

Last updated on 30 October, 2023

Written by Content Team

Amul's eCommerce Attribution Success: The Path to Business Growth

Discover how Amul, through marketing attribution and ROI analysis, optimized sales, and improved advertising performance, achieved remarkable business growth. Learn from their strategies for eCommerce attribution success.


Amul, the iconic dairy cooperative of India, has a compelling success story in the realm of eCommerce attribution. This article discusses Amul's journey and the strategies they employed to achieve eCommerce attribution success.

Understanding eCommerce Attribution

eCommerce Attribution refers to the process of determining the contribution of various marketing touchpoints to a customer's conversion or purchase. It plays a pivotal role in the modern digital landscape where consumers interact with brands through multiple channels before making a buying decision.

Marketing attribution enables businesses to allocate resources effectively, optimize campaigns, and enhance overall customer experience. Through ROI analysis, businesses can measure the return on investment for each marketing channel, allowing data-driven decision-making.

Amul's eCommerce Journey

Amul, a pioneer in India's dairy industry, recognized the importance of embracing the digital shift and reaching consumers through eCommerce platforms. By venturing into the eCommerce space, Amul aimed to tap into a larger customer base and deliver their products conveniently to consumers' doorsteps. This move allowed them to leverage the power of online channels and expand their business horizons.

Implementing Marketing Attribution

To accurately attribute conversions, Amul faced the challenge of selecting the right attribution model. They opted for a data-driven approach, choosing a multi-channel tracking and analysis system. This enabled them to identify touchpoints that played a crucial role in the customer's purchase journey.

Leveraging ROI Analysis for Optimization

Amul recognized the significance of return on investment (ROI) analysis in optimizing their marketing efforts. By measuring the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns, they were able to allocate their marketing budget more efficiently. ROI analysis allowed Amul to identify top-performing channels and focus their resources on activities that generated the highest returns, maximizing their marketing impact.

Sales Optimization Strategies

Amul employed several sales optimization strategies to enhance its eCommerce performance. Personalization and customer segmentation played a vital role in tailoring their offerings to specific customer needs. By analyzing customer data and preferences, Amul provided personalized recommendations, added a cartoon logo of an Indian girl in the ad campaigns, and targeted promotions, leading to higher conversion rates.

Additionally, by testing different variations of their website, product pages, and promotional messages, Amul identified the most effective elements that drove conversions and improved the overall user experience.

Analyzing Advertising Performance

To ensure efficient allocation of their advertising budget, Amul closely analyzed the performance of their ad campaigns. They monitored key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition. By evaluating the performance of each campaign, Amul identified which advertisements and channels were delivering the best results. This data-driven approach allowed them to optimize their advertising campaigns and drive higher ROI.

Also, compared to 2019, Amul increased its advertisement volume by around 316%. At the time of lockdown, when Door darshan was broadcasting Mahabharata and Ramayana, Amul thought of running their old ads to create a strong impact on the audience and maintain its place in their minds. Additionally, they created immunity-boosting products at the crisis time and set a benchmark.

Business Growth through Attribution

Amul's implementation of eCommerce attribution strategies directly influenced their business growth. By gaining insights into customer behavior and preferences, they were able to refine their marketing strategies and increase revenue. The ability to track the effectiveness of marketing channels and optimize sales funnels resulted in improved profitability. Additionally, eCommerce attribution opened up new avenues for Amul, allowing them to expand their market reach beyond traditional boundaries.


Amul's journey to eCommerce attribution success is a testament to the power of data-driven decision-making and optimizing marketing efforts. Their strategy of implementing marketing attribution, ROI analysis, sales optimization, and analyzing advertising performance has resulted in exceptional business growth. As businesses embrace the digital landscape, learning from Amul's success can pave the way for a thriving eCommerce presence.

Looking to achieve eCommerce success like Amul? Visit Gonukkad, a platform that empowers businesses to thrive in the digital world.

Q. What factors contributed to Amul's remarkable eCommerce attribution success?

A. Amul's eCommerce attribution success can be attributed to its data-driven decision-making, effective marketing attribution, ROI analysis, and optimization of sales and advertising performance. By embracing personalized strategies and continually refining its approach, Amul achieved remarkable business growth.

Q. How did Amul choose the right marketing attribution model for their business?

A. Amul carefully assessed their business needs and customer journey to select the most suitable attribution model. They opted for a multi-touch attribution model, allowing them to gain comprehensive insights into the entire customer journey across various touchpoints.

Q. What were the key sales optimization strategies implemented by Amul?

A. Amul leveraged personalization and customer segmentation to tailor their offerings to individual customer preferences.

Q. How did Amul analyze the performance of their advertising campaigns?

A. Amul closely monitored key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to assess the performance of their ad campaigns. This data-driven approach enabled them to optimize their advertising spend and identify the most effective channels.

Q. What were the significant outcomes of Amul's eCommerce attribution strategies?

A. As a result of their eCommerce attribution strategies, Amul experienced a substantial increase in online sales, a higher return on advertising spend, and an expansion of their market reach. These outcomes directly contributed to their overall business growth and success.

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