What is the Difference Between E-commerce and E-business?

What is the Difference Between E-commerce and E-business?

27 November, 2023


Last updated on 27 November, 2023

Written by Content Team

What is The Difference Between E-Commerce and E-Business?

The terms “ecommerce” and “e-business” are commonly confused with one another. Head over to this post to learn the difference between e commerce and e business


Design your e-business success! Create your e-commerce website without spending a fortune! Unlock success in B2B business models.

Rarely is there a single day when you haven't heard or read these highlighted terms online? If all these terms essentially convey the notion of online presence, what's the point of using different ones?

Are you one of those people who confuse the terms e-commerce and e-business? Allow experts of Gonukkad to assist you in clarifying the difference between e-commerce and e-business. Let's get started.

What is Ecommerce?

To begin, understand what Ecommerce is. This commonly used term refers to the process of purchasing and selling goods or services over the Internet. It entails promoting things through online shops or marketplaces and allowing shoppers to browse and purchase them. You can make ecommerce transactions using websites, apps, social media platforms, and so on.

Ecommerce platforms seamlessly regulate the entire transaction process, encompassing tasks such as product listings, payment acceptance, and shipping from start to finish. Ecommerce aims to make it simple for clients to find and purchase the things they require from any location at any time.

What is E-business?

E-business, on the other hand, is the practice of conducting all forms of business transactions over the Internet. It includes internet-based activities such as raw material/goods acquisition, training customers, supply activities, buying and selling items, completing financial transactions, and so on. The internet, intranet, and extranet are all used in e-business. E-business demands the use of websites, apps, ERP, CRM, and other solutions.

The Main Models of E-Business and Ecommerce

Before you begin an internet business, you must first determine which business model is most suited to your brand. Choosing an appropriate eCommerce business model is the most significant step in going digital. Failure to evaluate your business and comprehend your target market might result in lost money and income. So, read on to find out which model best suits your demands and preferences.

1. Business to Consumer or B2C: The B2C business model is the most appropriate if your prospective company's goal is to sell its goods or services directly to customers.

2. Business to Business or B2C: In contrast to the business-to-consumer (B2C) business model, a company in the B2B business model offers its products or services solely to other enterprises.

3. Consumer to Consumer or C2C: Consumers offer goods or services to other consumers directly through C2C eCommerce. This is frequently made feasible via third-party websites or marketplaces that arrange transactions on behalf of buyers and sellers. These eCommerce marketplaces enable small enterprises and even amateurs to offer their products at their own prices without the need for their own web presence.

Difference Between E-Commerce and E-Business

So, you've finally arrived at the section for which you chose to read this mini-guide. Let's talk about the difference between E-commerce and E-business to gain a clear understanding:

Point of Difference E-Commerce E-Business
1. Meaning It refers to the commercial interactions between the company and its clients and suppliers. It mostly consists of buying and selling products and services, making or accepting online payments, and other internet-based activities. It includes all of the business operations that a corporation or firm engages in using electronic means via the Internet or web services.
2. Superset vs subset: E-commerce is a subset of E-Business. E-Business is a superset of E-Commerce that encompasses all E-Commerce activities as well as other online activities undertaken by businesses to manage business operations such as stock management.
3. Resources When compared to E-Business, the only sources needed for E-Commerce are the internet and websites. With such a large accessibility, it necessitates the use of numerous resources such as different websites, CRM systems, ERPs, and so on.
4. Business models The most popular business model to adopt when building an online store is B2C (Business to Consumer). More relevant business models in this domain include Business to Business (B2-B) and Intra Business (IB).
5. Internet On the front of this point of difference, this one requires the use of the Internet only. It demands the use of the internet, extranet, and intranet.
6. Business process E-commerce refers to the firm's outer business procedures or transactions with its customers or suppliers. It includes the company's internal and external operations that are carried out using electronic means.
7. Scope E-commerce is a narrower concept and has a limited scope. E-business is a more expansive idea with limitless possibilities.

Final Thoughts

Finally, in only five minutes of reading, you have cleared up any misconceptions between e-commerce and e-business. Now is the best time to start an online business, irrespective of its nature. The COVID pandemic has altered the worldwide community, and e-commerce is more popular than ever. Smart business owners are already reaping the benefits.

If you're new to e-commerce, GoNukkad can assist you in getting set up with reputable business services. Are you ready to seize your share of the pie?

Q. What exactly is the difference between E-commerce and E-business?

A. These are two distinct terms that are used together. E-Commerce refers to online purchasing and selling transactions, whereas E-Business refers to all company activity conducted electronically via the Internet.

Q. Name a few giant E-Commerce sites.

A. Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and many others are examples of large E-commerce sites.

Q. What are the different types of e-commerce?

A. The four major e-commerce platforms are:

  • B2B- Business-to-Business
  • B2C- Business-to-Consumer
  • C2C- Consumer-to-Consumer
  • C2B- Consumer-to-Business

Q. How much does e-commerce actually cover?

A. Mobile-first strategies are the norm for e-commerce businesses. Thus, if your e-commerce sites aren't mobile-responsive, you could be losing out on a lot of prospective revenue.

Q. What does the future of ecommerce look like?

A. E-commerce has a bright future as new technology and economic advances create fresh prospects for growth.

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