Shopify Report Seller in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Shopify Report Seller in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

25 July, 2023

Shopify Report

Last updated on 2 May, 2024

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Shopify Report Seller in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

What websites are sending customers to your shop? What goods are people most interested in? Get the answers to all your questions through the Shopify Report Seller.


Numerous analytical data are produced each time a consumer makes a purchase or interacts with your shop in any manner. Shopify report sellers meticulously record every aspect and give it to you in the form of reports. Your analytics dashboards already have some, while others may be created at will.

What are Shopify Reports?

Shopify reports include performance information on the regular operations of your store. In other words, you may obtain statistics on important parameters like-

1. Where your consumers are from

2. How they utilize your items and shop

3. Spending on advertising and acquisition

4. Profit, revenue, and rates of repeat business

5. Web analytics

6. Number of customers who visit your shop

7. A lot more, including inventory information about what's being sold

Where are Shopify reports located?

Both analytics dashboards and comprehensive analytics reports are available in Shopify. You should be able to view them in the left-hand menu after logging into your Shopify store. Your access to various reports depends on the Shopify plan you have. The Overview dashboard, financial information, and product statistics are available to everyone. You could also have access to other sorts of reports like Shopify Payout Report, depending on your Shopify membership level.

Reports available on Shopify

You will be gazing down a lot of data if you open your analytics. With so much volume, it rapidly becomes overpowering. Here is an overview of the many Shopify report kinds so you may concentrate your efforts!

Shopify credit card reports

You must pay fees to Shopify or third-party payment processors like PayPal for each online transaction you make. To view your payments throughout any specific period, it is worthwhile to create a credit card report.

Shopify won't be able to provide a report for you if you utilize a third-party service provider. From your dashboard on PayPal, Amazon Pay, or another platform, you ought to be able to accomplish it on your own.

Shopify Inventory Report

Except for ABC Analysis, all Shopify Inventory reports are accessible to users on the Basic or higher plan.

Shopify Inventory reports provide you with information on what sells well and what doesn't, as well as a way to keep track of the inventory that is still on hand. They are located at the page's bottom under Reports. Reports that are accessible are:

1. When compared to the initial stock level, the percentage of inventory sold displays the proportion of each item in your business that has been sold.

2. The ABC analysis by product gives each of the items a grade depending on how much of the total income they contribute, with A-rated products being the best-selling ones.

3. The average number of things sold per day from the available inventory

Shopify provides sales data per product category. You might like to check out a report for a certain product category. Shopify product sales reports provide a wealth of data on product sales. It's time to make a bespoke report if you want something more unique.

To create a custom product sales report, navigate to Analytics, then go to product sales Report and press the green button in the top-right corner of the page. The report template should be Sales over time.

Select the Product type from the menu on the next screen, then fill in the appropriate search term. Once you've saved them, any orders that fit the criteria will be returned.

Examine your Abandoned Cart Reports

To determine why your consumers aren't completing orders, you might examine your Shopify abandoned cart reports for trends. For a period of three months, abandoned cart reports are recorded in the Shopify admin. Shopify abandoned cart reports that are more than three months old are deleted from your admin every Monday.

Visitor statistics by landing page for Shopify

The landing Shopify report seller is fascinating. It displays the first page that customers visited after accessing your business. From a marketing standpoint, it's intriguing. You may be sure that your content strategy is effective if you see that many of your visitors arrive via the blog. Maybe you should put in more effort, for example, you may write more, focus on SEO and keywords, etc., and compare the outcomes over time.

If you use advertisements to direct traffic to certain landing pages, this Shopify report seller is very useful. You may select different columns from the dropdown list to examine the proportion of visitors who, for instance, later added anything to their basket, proceeded to the checkout, or bounced.

How to Report the Shopify Seller?

Read on how to report Shopify store:

1. Choose what you wish to report fraud shopify in step one: To choose what to report, first, click on the Report Acceptable Use Policy Violation page. The dropdown list in the section above contains several of the activities. Pick the one you believe best fits your situation.

2. Enter your details

3. Following that, further material in three sections will appear: Your contact details, reporting materials and electronic signature

4. You must then fill up every blank in each section. Certain requests are optional, you may choose to fill them in or not while filling out the form. Also, always use your words wisely and honestly.

5. Third step- Submit the Report

Click the Submit button after that. Later, Shopify will receive and review your response. If your report is approved or not, they will let you know.


Overall, Shopify makes every effort to stop fraudulent shops from utilizing the platform, and they appreciate it when users submit these cases to the staff for investigation. By flagging a Shopify site that you believed to be a danger to other consumers, you take the correct decision.

GoNukkad provides various services to help sellers manage their accounts on different online marketplaces. If you want to increase your visibility online and optimize your seller account on Shopify, check out Gonukkad.

Q. Is it free to open a Shopify store?

A. When you join up for a monthly Basic or Starter plan after starting your free trial, you may use Shopify for 3 months for just $1/month.

Q. Is Shopify paying you every day?

A. Even though Shopify sends payments every day, it takes time for your cash to show up. The length of time depends on the payment method used by the consumer, your payment method, and the nation in which your shop is located.

Q. Which bank does Shopify use?

A. Evolve Bank & Trust and Celtic Bank, two FDIC-member banks, support Shopify Balance banking.

Q. Who is Shopify's owner?

A. Tobias Lutke is the co-founder and CEO of Shopify.

Q. Are consumers secure using Shopify?

A. Shopify has received Level 1 PCI DSS compliance certification. All stores powered by Shopify are automatically subject to this compliance.

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