How To Rank Product on Etsy 1st Page: 10 Proven Strategies

How To Rank Product on Etsy 1st Page: 10 Proven Strategies

15 December, 2023


Last updated on 15 December, 2023

Written by Content Team

How To Rank Product On Etsy 1st Page: 10 Proven Strategies

Rank your product on Etsy at the top and boost your sales on the platform. Read on to learn about tips and tricks on how to rank products on Etsy 1st page.


According to Etsy's 2022 report, the platform had 7.5 million sellers and 95.1 million buyers. If you want to make extraordinary sales on Etsy, you have to grab the attention of your customers among all these other sellers in the competition. When you learn how to rank products on Etsy at the top, you succeed in grabbing your customers' attention right when they arrive on the platform. This boosts your visibility and, eventually, your sales.

How To Rank Products On Etsy 1st Page?

Mastering the art of optimizing your Etsy store is the key to making good sales on the platform. Here are 10 things you can do to rank your products on Etsy.

1. Use the Right Keywords

This is the first and most crucial tip for learning how to rank products on Etsy. Just like Google, Etsy's search function also reveals results based on keywords that customers search for. When you use the best keywords in the titles and tags of your store, your chances of getting a better ranking increase.

2. Attract the Customer To Get More Clicks

The stores that get more attention from the customers rank higher. Make sure that your products are unique and attention-grabbing. Write captivating titles and use attractive images to make the customer want to click on your store. The more clicks you get, the better your ranking will be.

3. Keep Your Products Updated

Etsy's algorithm prefers products that are recently updated. This tip doesn't imply that you have to launch new products all the time. Keep updating the titles, tags, and pictures of your products to get a boost in your ranking. However, this boost will be temporary, lasting for a few hours or a few days at best.

4. See From The Customer's Perspective

Step into the shoes of your customers while writing product descriptions, titles, and tags. Try to view your page as a third person and write or display what the customer wants. Understand their needs and try to showcase how your product can solve their problems.

5. Take Help From Experts and Online Tools

You don't need to figure out how to rank products on Etsy by yourself. Use online tools and websites that provide services like SEO optimization, product photography, content writing, or pricing strategy advisory to know the best practices. You can also go to a marketing expert to get their insights into ranking your products higher.

6. Use Etsy's Search To Find Keyword Variations

When you start typing into the search bar on Etsy, it gives suggestions to complete your results. Your customer would likely click on these search results. These are the variations of your primary keyword that you can use on your page.

7. Take High-Quality Attractive Pictures

According to a study, a low-quality image or an uninteresting image can lower user engagement. You can focus on the quality and the aesthetics of your pictures to attract more customers. You can get help from a professional who knows how to click unique pictures that would help to rank your products on Etsy.

8. Customize Your Product Page According To The Location

Etsy's algorithm displays results according to the customer's location. For instance, a customer searching for your product is most likely to see your product if you are in the same city. Use this to your advantage and customize your page for your locality if you are a local seller. Use the local language or add more local references to rank your products on Etsy higher than before.

9. Keep Your Shipping Prices Low

A customer will hesitate to click on your product if you have mentioned a high shipping cost. Etsy will rank your products higher if you keep your shipping charges reasonable. If you can provide free delivery, that would be extremely helpful in organizing your page higher as well.

10. Encourage Past Customers To Leave Reviews

A study has found that 95% of customers read reviews, and 86% consider them an essential resource when making purchase decisions. Whenever you make a successful sale, ask your customer to leave a review. The more positive reviews you have, the more the chances of getting new customers.


When used the right way, Etsy can be the platform that grows and flourishes your business. When you learn how to rank products on Etsy, your products get excellent visibility. Your products will attract more customers, and the more satisfied customers you have, the better you will get more business. If you wish to enhance your presence on Etsy or other online marketplaces, use GoNukkad's excellent marketing services.

Q. How do I optimize my Etsy listing?

A. Optimize your Etsy listings by using the right keywords in your titles, tags, and product descriptions. You can also use high-quality pictures and add positive reviews to optimize your listings.

Q. What is the Etsy ranking algorithm?

A. Etsy's ranking algorithm decides how the products will be ranked when a particular customer searches for something. The algorithms determine the ranking based on factors like product quality, relevance, titles, tags, and so on.

Q. How do I get more product views on Etsy?

A. Use the tips and tricks about how to rank products on Etsy to get more product views on Etsy. This includes using more keywords on the product page, encouraging customers to leave reviews, using better-quality pictures, updating product pages frequently, etc.

Q. What is SEO for Etsy?

A. Search Engine Optimization refers to a process that helps in ranking your products higher in search engine results. SEO for Etsy refers to the process of organizing your products higher on Etsy's search results.

Q. Why is my Etsy product not getting views?

A. It is possible that your product page needs to be optimized correctly to get more visibility in Etsy's search results. It is also possible that your product is not getting views because you need to use more keywords, you have uploaded low-quality images, or you need to write captivating titles and tags.

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