The Complete Guide to Amazon Seller Registration in 2024

The Complete Guide to Amazon Seller Registration in 2024

29 August, 2023

Amazon seller registration

Last updated on 7 May, 2024

Written by Content Team

How to Register as an Amazon Seller in 2024: The Complete Guide

Want to become a seller on Amazon? Follow the quick guide to become a registered seller on Amazon.


With low prices, good quality products, great offers, and shipping, Amazon India has become the largest e-commerce company in India. According to the consumer trends report Q2 2024, 63% of consumers started shopping online on Amazon. As online e-commerce companies such as Amazon are growing rapidly, the opportunity to become an online seller by selling the product on Amazon also grows. When you start selling your product on Amazon, the largest online retail store, you get an added competitive edge. You become part of a retail destination that’s home to different sellers ranging from Fortune 500 companies to handcrafted products sellers. For this, sellers wanting to sell their products online must register on the Amazon seller registration platform.

Guide to Amazon Seller Registration India 2024

To register yourself as a seller on the Amazon seller registration India platform, you must follow the Amazon seller registration process, which is quite easy and simple. But before going to Amazon seller account registration, you must have all the documents and requirements handy. Below is the list of requirements that are required.

1. A valid email ID

2. Active mobile number

3. GST number or PAN details

4. An active bank account

Let's Start!

Log on to or to begin the Amazon seller registration process

A page asking for your Email ID and password would appear.

If you already have an existing customer email ID and password, log in using those details; if not, choose the option 'Create an account' and enter your basic details like your email id, phone number, and similar other details asked for.

GST Registration for Amazon Seller

You will be asked to enter your 15-digit mandatory GST number on the Amazon seller registration space provided.

Amazon Seller Registration Without GST

If you want to sell GST-exempt products, click 'I only sell non-GST categories such as books.’ This option is available for sellers selling products without a GST number.

GST Verification

After you have entered the GST number, click on the 'verify' option to continue. You will get an OTP – One-time password on your registered Email ID and mobile phone number. Enter the OTP and update your GST certificate to continue.

Choose a Business Location and the Business Type

On the Amazon seller registration platform, you will be asked to enter the business location and the name of the country where the business is situated. This is crucial as Amazon verifies your business's location and type.

Your Business Type

The Amazon seller account registration platform will ask you to choose from different business types such as privately owned, state, publicly owned, etc. If you do not fall into any categories listed, you can click on 'none, I am an individual. ' You will be asked to enter your full name and other details when you click on the individual option.

Store Name

Enter a store name on the Amazon seller registration India platform that will make you stand out from the crowd. you can also use the names from the number of suggestions automatically available on the platform. This name will represent your store on the Amazon seller platform.

Enter a Pickup Address

You will have to enter a pickup address from where Amazon will pick up the shipment of the orders you receive from the customers. You can choose the address on your GST or if you want your pick-up location to be different, you can add another address. Just ensure that the pickup location you entered is in the same state where you have a registered GST.

Shipping Method

You can choose from two shipping methods on the Amazon seller registration India platform.

1. Easy ship: using this option, you can pack and store your orders at your location. Amazon ships products for which it charges an additional amount, such as weight handling fees.

2. Self-ship: You store, pack and ship the orders to the customers on your own or through a third party.

Add Bank Account

Enter the correct bank account details for your business, as this account will be used to transfer the amount you earn through online sales on the Amazon platform.

Set a Default Tax Rate

The default rate is the percentage of tax that applies to a particular category of product. When you have not selected any tax code, the default tax rate would be used to prescribe a tax for a particular product listing.

List Your Product

Start listing the products you want to sell only Amazon seller registration India platform. Here, you can enter the product description, price, quality, and other details related to the product in a particular category. This should be crisp and accurate, which will help your customers evaluate your product and make a buying decision.

The seller must complete at least one listing on the Amazon platform to start selling the product to its customers.

Finally, Launching the Store

After completing the details, the seller can simply click on the ‘Launch your store and start selling' option to start selling and become a registered seller on the Amazon platform.


Amazon provides a great opportunity for sellers to reach the remotest corners and customers. Sellers can register themselves on the platform by following the step-by-step process mentioned above. Ensure you have completed all the details accurately, as you are represented as a credible seller Amazon platform.

Register yourself as a seller on the Amazon platform using this guide to increase your visibility and reach.

Gonukkad provides various services to help sellers manage their accounts on different online marketplaces. If you want to increase your online visibility and optimize your Amazon seller account, check out Gonukkad.

Q. Do I need my own website to start selling on Amazon?

A. No, you do not need a website to start selling on Amazon. You just need to register your store on the Amazon Seller registration platform, after which you will have access to Amazon’s seller central platform, through which you can list and sell your products.

Q. Does Amazon charge fees for listing my products on its online shopping website?

A. Yes, Amazon charges a specific fee as a percentage of sales the seller makes through the platform. It also charges fees for delivering products through the FBA – Fulfillment by Amazon option.

Q. Does Amazon allow me to cancel my account?

A. Yes, you stop selling through Amazon at any time. If you have purchased any Amazon-paid services, contact the seller support available on the Amazon Seller Central page.

Q.Does Amazon protect sellers from fraudulent orders?

A. Yes, Amazon protects sellers from fraudulent orders placed on the website.

Q. Can I sell products without GST on the Amazon seller account?

A. GST is mandatory for products being sold on Amazon. However, certain categories of products exempted from GST can be sold without a GST number on the Amazon India platform.

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